The mission of the Brotallion Blue Skies Foundation is to
support the next-of-kin of fallen Army Aircrew.
Gold Star Financial Support
As a matter of practice, we step in and aid the families affected by a Class A (fatal) Army Aviation mishap. Each family is sent a $2,500 check or ACH for immediate casualty assistance.
In addition to the immediate casualty assistance, we begin a month-long fundraiser and design a T-shirt unique to each mishap that we support.
100% of the profits of these shirts are granted to the Gold Star families. The funds from the memorial apparel and the fundraiser provide assistance with family travel, lodging, incidentals, etc.

Step 2
The foundation works with the unit leadership and CAOs to obtain command and family approval to provide assistance.
Step 3
The Foundation sends a $2,500 ACH to each Gold Star Family, initiates a month-long fundraising campaign, and designs memorial apparel.